The access level for a Metadata Entity, either public or private
Value | Description |
PUBLIC | Publicly available |
PRIVATE | Restricted to a subset of viewers |
The duration for which an Access Token is valid.
Value | Description |
ONE_HOUR | 1 hour |
ONE_DAY | 1 day |
ONE_WEEK | 1 week |
ONE_MONTH | 1 month |
THREE_MONTHS | 3 months |
SIX_MONTHS | 6 months |
ONE_YEAR | 1 year |
NO_EXPIRY | No expiry |
A type of DataHub Access Token.
Value | Description |
PERSONAL | Generates a personal access token |
The type of the Action
Value | Description |
RAISE_INCIDENT | Raise an incident. |
RESOLVE_INCIDENT | Resolve open incidents related to the assertion. |
The type of error encountered when evaluating an AssertionResult
Value | Description |
SOURCE_CONNECTION_ERROR | Source is unreachable |
SOURCE_QUERY_FAILED | Source query failed to execute |
INVALID_PARAMETERS | Invalid parameters were detected |
INSUFFICIENT_DATA | Insufficient data to evaluate assertion |
INVALID_SOURCE_TYPE | Event type not supported by the specified source |
UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORM | Platform not supported |
CUSTOM_SQL_ERROR | Error while executing a custom SQL assertion |
FIELD_ASSERTION_ERROR | Error while executing a field assertion |
UNKNOWN_ERROR | Unknown error |
The result type of an assertion, success or failure.
Value | Description |
INIT | The assertion has not yet been fully evaluated. |
SUCCESS | The assertion succeeded. |
FAILURE | The assertion failed. |
ERROR | The assertion errored. |
The state of an assertion run, as defined within an Assertion Run Event.
Value | Description |
COMPLETE | An assertion run has completed. |
The source of an assertion
Value | Description |
NATIVE | The assertion was defined natively on DataHub by a user. |
EXTERNAL | The assertion was defined and managed externally of DataHub. |
INFERRED | The assertion was inferred, e.g. from offline AI / ML models. |
An "aggregation" function that can be applied to column values of a Dataset to create the input to an Assertion Operator.
Value | Description |
IDENTITY | Assertion is applied on individual column value |
MEAN | Assertion is applied on column mean |
MEDIAN | Assertion is applied on column median |
UNIQUE_COUNT | Assertion is applied on number of distinct values in column |
UNIQUE_PROPOTION | Assertion is applied on proportion of distinct values in column |
NULL_COUNT | Assertion is applied on number of null values in column |
NULL_PROPORTION | Assertion is applied on proportion of null values in column |
STDDEV | Assertion is applied on column std deviation |
MIN | Assertion is applied on column min |
MAX | Assertion is applied on column std deviation |
SUM | Assertion is applied on column sum |
COLUMNS | Assertion is applied on all columns |
COLUMN_COUNT | Assertion is applied on number of columns |
ROW_COUNT | Assertion is applied on number of rows |
_NATIVE_ | Other |
A standard operator or condition that constitutes an assertion definition
Value | Description |
BETWEEN | Value being asserted is between min_value and max_value |
LESS_THAN | Value being asserted is less than max_value |
LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO | Value being asserted is less than or equal to max_value |
GREATER_THAN | Value being asserted is greater than min_value |
GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO | Value being asserted is greater than or equal to min_value |
EQUAL_TO | Value being asserted is equal to value |
NOT_EQUAL_TO | Value being asserted is not equal to value |
NULL | Value being asserted is null |
NOT_NULL | Value being asserted is not null |
CONTAIN | Value being asserted contains value |
END_WITH | Value being asserted ends with value |
START_WITH | Value being asserted starts with value |
REGEX_MATCH | Value being asserted matches the regex value. |
IN | Value being asserted is one of the array values |
NOT_IN | Value being asserted is not in one of the array values. |
IS_TRUE | Value being asserted is true |
IS_FALSE | Value being asserted is false |
_NATIVE_ | Other |
The type of an AssertionStdParameter
Value | Description |
STRING | A string value |
NUMBER | A numeric value |
LIST | A list of values. When used, the value should be formatted as a serialized JSON array. |
SET | A set of values. When used, the value should be formatted as a serialized JSON array. |
UNKNOWN | A value of unknown type |
The top-level assertion type.
Value | Description |
DATASET | A single-dataset assertion. |
FRESHNESS | An assertion which indicates when a particular operation should occur to an asset. |
VOLUME | An assertion which indicates how much data should be available for a particular asset. |
SQL | A raw SQL-statement based assertion. |
FIELD | A structured assertion targeting a specific column or field of the Dataset. |
DATA_SCHEMA | A schema or structural assertion. |
CUSTOM | A custom assertion. |
An enum to represent a type of change in an assertion value, metric, or measurement.
Value | Description |
ABSOLUTE | A change that is defined in absolute terms. |
PERCENTAGE | A change that is defined in relative terms using percentage change from the original value. |
Enum of CategoryTypes
Value | Description |
DOCUMENTATION | When documentation has been edited |
GLOSSARY_TERM | When glossary terms have been added or removed |
OWNERSHIP | When ownership has been modified |
TECHNICAL_SCHEMA | When technical schemas have been added or removed |
TAG | When tags have been added or removed |
Enum of types of changes
Value | Description |
ADD | When an element is added |
MODIFY | When an element is modified |
REMOVE | When an element is removed |
The type of the Chart Query
Value | Description |
SQL | Standard ANSI SQL |
The type of a Chart Entity
Value | Description |
BAR | Bar graph |
PIE | Pie chart |
SCATTER | Scatter plot |
TABLE | Table |
TEXT | Markdown formatted text |
LINE | A line chart |
AREA | An area chart |
HISTOGRAM | A histogram chart |
BOX_PLOT | A box plot chart |
WORD_CLOUD | A word cloud chart |
COHORT | A Cohort Analysis chart |
The state of a CorpUser
Value | Description |
ACTIVE | A User that has been provisioned and logged in |
Value | Description |
ORG_COST_TYPE | Org Cost Type to which the Cost of this entity should be attributed to |
The state of the data contract
Value | Description |
ACTIVE | The data contract is active. |
PENDING | The data contract is pending. Note that this symbol is currently experimental. |
The type of a DataHub connection
Value | Description |
JSON | A json-encoded set of connection details. |
The type of a DataHub View
Value | Description |
PERSONAL | A personal view - e.g. saved filters |
GLOBAL | A global view, e.g. role view |
The result of the data process run
Value | Description |
SUCCESS | The run finished successfully |
FAILURE | The run finished in failure |
SKIPPED | The run was skipped |
UP_FOR_RETRY | The run failed and is up for retry |
The status of the data process instance
Value | Description |
STARTED | The data process instance has started but not completed |
COMPLETE | The data process instance has completed |
The scope that a Dataset-level assertion applies to.
Value | Description |
DATASET_COLUMN | Assertion applies to columns of a dataset. |
DATASET_ROWS | Assertion applies to rows of a dataset. |
DATASET_SCHEMA | Assertion applies to schema of a dataset. |
UNKNOWN | The scope of an assertion is unknown. |
Type of partition
Value | Description |
SQL | Use a SQL string to apply the filter |
Deprecated The type of an edge between two Datasets
Value | Description |
COPY | Direct copy without modification |
TRANSFORMED | Transformed dataset |
VIEW | Represents a view defined on the sources |
For consumption by UI only
Value | Description |
HOUR | |
DAY | |
WEEK | |
A top level Metadata Entity Type
Value | Description |
DOMAIN | A Domain containing Metadata Entities |
DATASET | The Dataset Entity |
CORP_USER | The CorpUser Entity |
CORP_GROUP | The CorpGroup Entity |
DATA_PLATFORM | The DataPlatform Entity |
ER_MODEL_RELATIONSHIP | The ERModelRelationship Entity |
DASHBOARD | The Dashboard Entity |
NOTEBOOK | The Notebook Entity |
CHART | The Chart Entity |
DATA_FLOW | The Data Flow (or Data Pipeline) Entity, |
DATA_JOB | The Data Job (or Data Task) Entity |
TAG | The Tag Entity |
GLOSSARY_TERM | The Glossary Term Entity |
GLOSSARY_NODE | The Glossary Node Entity |
CONTAINER | A container of Metadata Entities |
MLMODEL | The ML Model Entity |
MLMODEL_GROUP | The MLModelGroup Entity |
MLFEATURE_TABLE | ML Feature Table Entity |
MLFEATURE | The ML Feature Entity |
MLPRIMARY_KEY | The ML Primary Key Entity |
INGESTION_SOURCE | A DataHub Managed Ingestion Source |
EXECUTION_REQUEST | A DataHub ExecutionRequest |
ASSERTION | A DataHub Assertion |
DATA_PROCESS_INSTANCE | An instance of an individual run of a data job or data flow |
DATA_PLATFORM_INSTANCE | Data Platform Instance Entity |
ACCESS_TOKEN | A DataHub Access Token |
TEST | A DataHub Test |
DATAHUB_POLICY | A DataHub Policy |
DATAHUB_ROLE | A DataHub Role |
POST | A DataHub Post |
SCHEMA_FIELD | A Schema Field |
DATAHUB_VIEW | A DataHub View |
QUERY | A dataset query |
DATA_PRODUCT | A Data Product |
CUSTOM_OWNERSHIP_TYPE | A Custom Ownership Type |
DATAHUB_CONNECTION | A connection to an external source. |
INCIDENT | A DataHub incident - SaaS only |
ROLE | " A Role from an organisation |
DATA_CONTRACT | A data contract |
STRUCTURED_PROPERTY | " An structured property on entities |
FORM | " A form entity on entities |
DATA_TYPE | " A data type registered to DataHub |
ENTITY_TYPE | " A type of entity registered to DataHub |
RESTRICTED | " A type of entity that is restricted to the user |
OTHER | Another entity type - refer to a provided entity type urn. |
BUSINESS_ATTRIBUTE | A Business Attribute |
An environment identifier for a particular Entity, ie staging or production Note that this model will soon be deprecated in favor of a more general purpose of notion of data environment
Value | Description |
DEV | Designates development fabrics |
TEST | Designates testing fabrics |
QA | Designates quality assurance fabrics |
UAT | Designates user acceptance testing fabrics |
EI | Designates early integration fabrics |
PRE | Designates pre-production fabrics |
STG | Designates staging fabrics |
NON_PROD | Designates non-production fabrics |
PROD | Designates production fabrics |
CORP | Designates corporation fabrics |
RVW | Designates review fabrics |
The type of a Field assertion
Value | Description |
FIELD_VALUES | An assertion used to validate the values contained with a field / column given a set of rows. |
FIELD_METRIC | An assertion used to validate the value of a common field / column metric (e.g. aggregation) such as null count + percentage, min, max, median, and more. |
A standard metric that can be derived from the set of values for a specific field / column of a dataset / table.
Value | Description |
UNIQUE_COUNT | The number of unique values found in the column value set |
UNIQUE_PERCENTAGE | The percentage of unique values to total rows for the dataset |
NULL_COUNT | The number of null values found in the column value set |
NULL_PERCENTAGE | The percentage of null values to total rows for the dataset |
MIN | The minimum value in the column set (applies to numeric columns) |
MAX | The maximum value in the column set (applies to numeric columns) |
MEAN | The mean length found in the column set (applies to numeric columns) |
MEDIAN | The median length found in the column set (applies to numeric columns) |
STDDEV | The stddev length found in the column set (applies to numeric columns) |
NEGATIVE_COUNT | The number of negative values found in the value set (applies to numeric columns) |
NEGATIVE_PERCENTAGE | The percentage of negative values to total rows for the dataset (applies to numeric columns) |
ZERO_COUNT | The number of zero values found in the value set (applies to numeric columns) |
ZERO_PERCENTAGE | The percentage of zero values to total rows for the dataset (applies to numeric columns) |
MIN_LENGTH | The minimum length found in the column set (applies to string columns) |
MAX_LENGTH | The maximum length found in the column set (applies to string columns) |
EMPTY_COUNT | The number of empty string values found in the value set (applies to string columns). Note: This is a completely different metric different from NULL_COUNT! |
EMPTY_PERCENTAGE | The percentage of empty string values to total rows for the dataset (applies to string columns). Note: This is a completely different metric different from NULL_PERCENTAGE! |
The type of the Field Transform
Value | Description |
LENGTH | Obtain the length of a string field / column (applicable to string types) |
The type of failure threshold.
Value | Description |
COUNT | The maximum number of column values (i.e. rows) that are allowed to fail the defined expectations before the assertion officially fails. |
PERCENTAGE | The maximum percentage of rows that are allowed to fail the defined column expectations before the assertion officially fails. |
Value | Description |
CONTAIN | Represent the relation: String field contains value, e.g. name contains Profile |
EQUAL | Represent the relation: field = value, e.g. platform = hdfs |
IN |
EXISTS | Represents the relation: The field exists. If the field is an array, the field is either not present or empty. |
GREATER_THAN | Represent the relation greater than, e.g. ownerCount > 5 |
GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO | Represent the relation greater than or equal to, e.g. ownerCount >= 5 |
LESS_THAN | Represent the relation less than, e.g. ownerCount < 3 |
LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO | Represent the relation less than or equal to, e.g. ownerCount <= 3 |
START_WITH | Represent the relation: String field starts with value, e.g. name starts with PageView |
END_WITH | Represent the relation: String field ends with value, e.g. name ends with Event |
DESCENDANTS_INCL | Represent the relation: URN field any nested children in addition to the given URN |
ANCESTORS_INCL | Represent the relation: URN field matches any nested parent in addition to the given URN |
RELATED_INCL | Represent the relation: URN field matches any nested child or parent in addition to the given URN |
IEQUAL | Represent the relation: field = value (case-insensitive), e.g. platform = HDFS |
Enum of all form prompt types
Value | Description |
STRUCTURED_PROPERTY | A structured property form prompt type. |
FIELDS_STRUCTURED_PROPERTY | A schema field-level structured property form prompt type. |
The type of a form. This is optional on a form entity
Value | Description |
VERIFICATION | This form is used for "verifying" entities as a state for governance and compliance |
COMPLETION | This form is used to help with filling out metadata on entities |
The type of an Freshness assertion
Value | Description |
CRON | An schedule based on a CRON schedule representing the expected event times. |
FIXED_INTERVAL | A scheduled based on a recurring fixed schedule which is used to compute the expected operation window. E.g. "every 24 hours". |
SINCE_THE_LAST_CHECK | A schedule computed based on when the assertion was last evaluated, to the current moment in time. |
The type of an Freshness assertion
Value | Description |
DATASET_CHANGE | An assertion defined against a Dataset Change Operation - insert, update, delete, etc |
DATA_JOB_RUN | An assertion defined against a Data Job run |
Value | Description |
PASS | The Asset is in a healthy state |
WARN | The Asset is in a warning state |
FAIL | The Asset is in a failing (unhealthy) state |
The type of the health status
Value | Description |
ASSERTIONS | Assertions status |
INCIDENTS | Incidents status |
The source type of an incident, implying how it was created.
Value | Description |
MANUAL | The incident was created manually, from either the API or the UI. |
ASSERTION_FAILURE | An assertion has failed, triggering the incident. |
The state of an incident.
Value | Description |
ACTIVE | The incident is ongoing, or active. |
RESOLVED | The incident is resolved. |
A specific type of incident
Value | Description |
FRESHNESS | A Freshness Assertion has failed, triggering the incident. Raised on assets where assertions are configured to generate incidents. |
VOLUME | A Volume Assertion has failed, triggering the incident. Raised on assets where assertions are configured to generate incidents. |
FIELD | A Field Assertion has failed, triggering the incident. Raised on assets where assertions are configured to generate incidents. |
SQL | A SQL Assertion has failed, triggering the incident. Raised on assets where assertions are configured to generate incidents. |
DATA_SCHEMA | A Schema has failed, triggering the incident. Raised on assets where assertions are configured to generate incidents. |
OPERATIONAL | An operational incident, e.g. failure to materialize a dataset, or failure to execute a task / pipeline. |
CUSTOM | A custom type of incident |
The 'standard' transformer type. Note that not all source systems will support all operators.
Value | Description |
TIMESTAMP_MS_TO_MINUTE | Rounds a timestamp (in seconds) down to the start of the month. |
TIMESTAMP_MS_TO_HOUR | Rounds a timestamp (in milliseconds) down to the nearest hour. |
TIMESTAMP_MS_TO_DATE | Rounds a timestamp (in milliseconds) down to the start of the day. |
TIMESTAMP_MS_TO_MONTH | Rounds a timestamp (in milliseconds) down to the start of the month |
TIMESTAMP_MS_TO_YEAR | Rounds a timestamp (in milliseconds) down to the start of the year |
FLOOR | Rounds a numeric value down to the nearest integer. |
CEILING | Rounds a numeric value up to the nearest integer. |
NATIVE | A backdoor to provide a native operator type specific to a given source system like Snowflake, Redshift, BQ, etc. |
Value | Description |
ENTERPRISE | Developed for Enterprise Users |
HOBBY | Developed for Hobbyists |
ENTERTAINMENT | Developed for Entertainment Purposes |
Direction between two nodes in the lineage graph
Value | Description |
UPSTREAM | Upstream, or left-to-right in the lineage visualization |
DOWNSTREAM | Downstream, or right-to-left in the lineage visualization |
A Logical Operator, AND or OR.
Value | Description |
AND | An AND operator. |
OR | An OR operator. |
The type of media
Value | Description |
IMAGE | An image |
The data type associated with an individual Machine Learning Feature
Value | Description |
TIME | |
TEXT | |
MAP | |
SET | |
BYTE | |
The type for a NotebookCell
Value | Description |
TEXT_CELL | TEXT Notebook cell type. The cell context is text only. |
QUERY_CELL | QUERY Notebook cell type. The cell context is query only. |
CHART_CELL | CHART Notebook cell type. The cell content is chart only. |
Enum to define the source/reporter type for an Operation.
Value | Description |
DATA_PROCESS | A data process reported the operation. |
DATA_PLATFORM | A data platform reported the operation. |
Enum to define the operation type when an entity changes.
Value | Description |
INSERT | When data is inserted. |
UPDATE | When data is updated. |
DELETE | When data is deleted. |
CREATE | When table is created. |
ALTER | When table is altered |
DROP | When table is dropped |
UNKNOWN | Unknown operation |
CUSTOM | Custom |
Enum to define where an entity originated from.
Value | Description |
NATIVE | The entity is native to DataHub. |
EXTERNAL | The entity is external to DataHub. |
UNKNOWN | The entity is of unknown origin. |
Entities that are able to own other entities
Value | Description |
CORP_USER | A corp user owner |
CORP_GROUP | A corp group owner |
The origin of Ownership metadata associated with a Metadata Entity
Value | Description |
AUDIT | Auditing system or audit logs |
DATABASE | Database, eg GRANTS table |
FILE_SYSTEM | File system, eg file or directory owner |
ISSUE_TRACKING_SYSTEM | Issue tracking system, eg Jira |
MANUAL | Manually provided by a user |
SERVICE | Other ownership like service, eg Nuage, ACL service etc |
OTHER | Other sources |
The type of the ownership relationship between a Person and a Metadata Entity Note that this field will soon become deprecated due to low usage
Value | Description |
TECHNICAL_OWNER | A person or group who is responsible for technical aspects of the asset. |
BUSINESS_OWNER | A person or group who is responsible for logical, or business related, aspects of the asset. |
DATA_STEWARD | A steward, expert, or delegate responsible for the asset. |
NONE | No specific type associated with the owner. |
CUSTOM | Associated ownership type is a custom ownership type. Please check OwnershipTypeEntity urn for custom value. |
DATAOWNER | A person or group that owns the data. Deprecated! This ownership type is no longer supported. Use TECHNICAL_OWNER instead. |
DEVELOPER | A person or group that is in charge of developing the code Deprecated! This ownership type is no longer supported. Use TECHNICAL_OWNER instead. |
DELEGATE | A person or a group that overseas the operation, eg a DBA or SRE Deprecated! This ownership type is no longer supported. Use TECHNICAL_OWNER instead. |
PRODUCER | A person, group, or service that produces or generates the data Deprecated! This ownership type is no longer supported. Use TECHNICAL_OWNER instead. |
STAKEHOLDER | A person or a group that has direct business interest Deprecated! Use BUSINESS_OWNER instead. |
CONSUMER | A person, group, or service that consumes the data Deprecated! This ownership type is no longer supported. |
Value | Description |
Deprecated, do not use this type The logical type associated with an individual Dataset
Value | Description |
TABLE | Table |
VIEW | View |
DIRECTORY | Directory in file system |
STREAM | Stream |
BUCKET | Bucket in key value store |
The category of a specific Data Platform
Value | Description |
FILE_SYSTEM | Value for a file system |
KEY_VALUE_STORE | Value for a key value store |
MESSAGE_BROKER | Value for a message broker |
OBJECT_STORE | Value for an object store |
OLAP_DATASTORE | Value for an OLAP datastore |
QUERY_ENGINE | Value for a query engine |
RELATIONAL_DB | Value for a relational database |
SEARCH_ENGINE | Value for a search engine |
OTHERS | Value for other platforms |
Match condition
Value | Description |
EQUALS | Whether the field matches the value |
STARTS_WITH | Whether the field value starts with the value |
The state of an Access Policy
Value | Description |
DRAFT | A Policy that has not been officially created, but in progress Currently unused |
ACTIVE | A Policy that is active and being enforced |
INACTIVE | A Policy that is not active or being enforced |
The type of the Access Policy
Value | Description |
METADATA | An access policy that grants privileges pertaining to Metadata Entities |
PLATFORM | An access policy that grants top level administrative privileges pertaining to the DataHub Platform itself |
The type of post
Value | Description |
TEXT | Text content |
LINK | Link content |
The type of post
Value | Description |
HOME_PAGE_ANNOUNCEMENT | Posts on the home page |
The cardinality of a Structured Property determining whether one or multiple values can be applied to the entity from this property.
Value | Description |
SINGLE | Only one value of this property can applied to an entity |
MULTIPLE | Multiple values of this property can applied to an entity |
A query language / dialect.
Value | Description |
SQL | Standard ANSI SQL |
The source of the query
Value | Description |
MANUAL | The query was provided manually, e.g. from the UI. |
SYSTEM | The query was extracted by the system, e.g. from a dashboard. |
Enum that defines how the modules should be rendered. There should be two frontend implementation of large and small modules per type.
Value | Description |
ENTITY_NAME_LIST | Simple list of entities |
PLATFORM_SEARCH_LIST | List of platforms |
TAG_SEARCH_LIST | Tag search list |
SEARCH_QUERY_LIST | A list of recommended search queries |
GLOSSARY_TERM_SEARCH_LIST | Glossary Term search list |
DOMAIN_SEARCH_LIST | Domain Search List |
Direction between a source and destination node
Value | Description |
INCOMING | A directed edge pointing at the source Entity |
OUTGOING | A directed edge pointing at the destination Entity |
Type of the scenario requesting recommendation
Value | Description |
HOME | Recommendations to show on the users home page |
SEARCH_RESULTS | Recommendations to show on the search results page |
ENTITY_PROFILE | Recommendations to show on an Entity Profile page |
SEARCH_BAR | Recommendations to show on the search bar when clicked |
Defines the required compatibility level for the schema assertion to pass.
Value | Description |
EXACT_MATCH | The schema must be exactly the same as the expected schema. |
SUPERSET | The schema must be a superset of the expected schema. |
SUBSET | The schema must be a subset of the expected schema. |
The type associated with a single Dataset schema field
Value | Description |
BOOLEAN | A boolean type |
FIXED | A fixed bytestring type |
STRING | A string type |
BYTES | A string of bytes |
NUMBER | A number, including integers, floats, and doubles |
DATE | A datestrings type |
TIME | A timestamp type |
ENUM | An enum type |
NULL | A NULL type |
MAP | A map collection type |
ARRAY | An array collection type |
UNION | An union type |
STRUCT | An complex struct type |
Order for sorting
Value | Description |
Value | Description |
ML_MODEL_SOURCE_CODE | MLModel Source Code |
TRAINING_PIPELINE_SOURCE_CODE | Training Pipeline Source Code |
EVALUATION_PIPELINE_SOURCE_CODE | Evaluation Pipeline Source Code |
The type of the SQL assertion being monitored.
Value | Description |
METRIC | A SQL Metric Assertion, e.g. one based on a numeric value returned by an arbitrary SQL query. |
METRIC_CHANGE | A SQL assertion that is evaluated against the CHANGE in a metric assertion over time. |
A well-supported, standard DataHub Data Type.
Value | Description |
STRING | String data type |
NUMBER | Number data type |
URN | Urn data type |
RICH_TEXT | Rich text data type. Right now this is markdown only. |
DATE | Date data type in format YYYY-MM-DD |
OTHER | Any other data type - refer to a provided data type urn. |
A type of Metadata Entity sub resource
Value | Description |
DATASET_FIELD | A Dataset field or column |
A type of Metadata Entity sub resource
Value | Description |
isA | When a Term inherits from, or has an 'Is A' relationship with another Term |
hasA | When a Term contains, or has a 'Has A' relationship with another Term |
The result type of a test that has been run
Value | Description |
SUCCESS | The test succeeded. |
FAILURE | The test failed. |
A time range used in fetching Usage statistics
Value | Description |
DAY | Last day |
WEEK | Last week |
MONTH | Last month |
QUARTER | Last quarter |
YEAR | Last year |
ALL | All time |
An individual setting type for a Corp User.
Value | Description |
SHOW_SIMPLIFIED_HOMEPAGE | Show simplified homepage |
A type of volume (row count) assertion
Value | Description |
ROW_COUNT_TOTAL | A volume assertion that is evaluated against the total row count of a dataset. |
ROW_COUNT_CHANGE | A volume assertion that is evaluated against an incremental row count of a dataset, or a row count change. |
INCREMENTING_SEGMENT_ROW_COUNT_TOTAL | A volume assertion that checks the latest "segment" in a table based on an incrementing column to check whether it's row count falls into a particular range. This can be used to monitor the row count of an incrementing date-partition column segment. |
INCREMENTING_SEGMENT_ROW_COUNT_CHANGE | A volume assertion that compares the row counts in neighboring "segments" or "partitions" of an incrementing column. This can be used to track changes between subsequent date partition in a table, for example. |
The duration of a fixed window of time
Value | Description |
DAY | A one day window |
WEEK | A one week window |
MONTH | A one month window |
YEAR | A one year window |